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Bloomberg: Are you a machine?

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    JPMorgan Chase & Co. is being targeted by Republican state officials claiming the bank discriminated against some customers because of their religious beliefs, the Wall Street Journal reportedBloomberg Terminal.

    Nineteen Republican state attorneys general sent a letter this month to Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon, the newspaper said. They accused the bank of a “pattern of discrimination” and denying customers banking services because of political or religious affiliations. Fourteen Republican state treasurers wrote a similar letter in March, the paper said.


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    Author: David Johnson

    Last Updated: 1703891403

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    Author information

    Name: David Johnson

    Birthday: 1992-03-16

    Address: 391 Perez Motorway Apt. 673, North Anthony, NY 76565

    Phone: +3632099853411671

    Job: Pharmacist

    Hobby: Web Development, Chocolate Making, Skateboarding, Photography, Playing Chess, Swimming, Beekeeping

    Introduction: My name is David Johnson, I am a daring, clever, audacious, spirited, priceless, unguarded, venturesome person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.